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ADHD Therapy And Assessments

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause difficulty focussing, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviour. It can affect people of all ages, it is estimated that 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD.

Whilst many people may have difficulties sitting still, paying attention, fidget, or act impulsively, those with ADHD find that the degree of these experiences is much more extreme, to the extent that it impacts their ability to function to their potential at school or work. ADHD can furthermore have a profound effect on daily functioning, relationships and sense of self-worth.

There are three main types of ADHD:

  • Predominantly inattentive presentation.

  • Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation.

  • Combined presentation.

With the help of a skilled therapist, the challenges of ADHD can be managed or overcome, improving a person's ability to reach the potential of their talents, have more fulfilling relationships and overcome the emotional distress sometimes caused by ADHD.

Boy with ADHD Kensington Psychology

How Psychologists Can Help 

The main advantage of seeing a psychologist is learning how your brain works when you have ADHD, and what is reasonable to expect of yourself. This self-insight can lead to greater self-acceptance and self-compassion, and with time, more effective ways of working with your strengths and talents..


Learning about your own thought processes, and that you are not alone, usually bring a great sense of relief. It is not unusual for someone with ADHD to only be diagnosed as an adult. This can bring up a lot of emotions such as sadness, relief, wishing one could go back and change things, even anger. It can be a comfort in this time to have the support of a psychologist who understands and is fully accepting, as well as trained to help. Psychologists can assess and support people who may have ADHD by creating a safe and supportive environment to deal with emotions and challenges. 

People with ADHD often struggle with anxiety, whether from the natural inclination for restlessness or because of feeling disorganised, worrying about forgetting things, not handing work in on time, or feeling that they are letting people down.

Depression and low-confidence are also frequently a part of the life-experience of someone with ADHD, as they struggle to manage life, or live up their own or other's expectations. Accepting and embracing who one is as a unique individual, and learning skills and strategies to manage things better, can have a significant impact on mood and confidence.

In addition to emotional support, psychologists can also help by teaching strategies to work with your strengths and manage your challenges. In general, people with ADHD need to manage things differently to neurotypicals. One of the main things one often may require help with is organisational difficulties. 

As a rule, tasks that require memory, organisation and impulse control can be very challenging for somebody with ADHD. This can mean that they struggle to be on time for meeting a friend or getting to work, getting organised for the day, or staying on task. Having a mind that struggles to be still and attentive can be exhausting and frustrating. Organisational tools such as time management skills with prioritised task lists, or strategies for reducing internal and external distractions, can be hugely helpful. Therapy is always tailormade for each individual, as no one is exactly like another person, and that is precisely the point - celebrating and working with your own unique mind and personality to help you be who you want to be.

ADHD Treatment Adelaide

The Benefits of ADHD Assessments

ADHD assessments and diagnosis can: 

  • Lead to improved self-awareness: A deeper understanding of how this has affected your life and perhaps explain some of the things you have experienced. It can also help you to understand your unique strengths and challenges so that you can build a life that fits with who you are and who you want to be.

  • An assessment can help distinguish whether your experiences are due to ADHD, or other factors that can impact attention and engagement such as vision and hearing difficulties, learning difficulties, mood or anxiety. This is important so that treatment can be focussed for best outcomes.

  • Lead to greater self-compassion, as well as understanding by others of why you act and think the way you do.

  • An accurate diagnosis can help ease feelings you may have had such as embarrassment, confusion, frustration and self-blame. 

  • A diagnosis can help you, your workplace and educators to adjust circumstances that minimise distractions and optimise performance.

  • Help you advocate for support at school or work. This may be particularly important for schools who may have requirements for a diagnosis and assessment before they are able to implement support.

  • Most importantly - Access to appropriate treatment: A diagnosis enables you to access appropriate interventions and treatment tailor made for you.

  • Give you the option of finding online support groups and know you’re not alone.

Therapy with Adelaide Psychologists

At Kensington Psychology we have a number of therapists specialising in ADHD:

For assessments and therapy:

Maeve Steinert

The full fee for an ADHD assessment and report is $500 is payable at initial two hours appointment and $470 is payable at feedback session.

For therapy and support:

Maeve Steinert

Alex Thorpe

​Joanne Spadavecchia

Dr Jean Miles 


Our experienced, compassionate and skilled psychologists at Kensington Psychology can help you cope with the challenges of difficult emotions and relationships and assist you in living insightfully and joyfully with your emotions and in relationship with the people that matter to you.

We offer both in-person and telehealth sessions to meet you where you are at. Sometimes leaving home for an appointment can be exhausting when one isn't feeling well, or just can't find the time. We will do everything in our power to help you effectively and in a way that suits you. Please also rest assured that we adhere to strict confidentiality and anything you say to our psychologists is completely confidential – your family, friends and workplace have no way of knowing you are seeking therapeutic support unless you tell them.

Our friendly support team at Reception will be able to explain the different options available to you and how to go about obtaining a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, should you wish to access a Medicare rebate for your therapy sessions. 

Our focus is on you and your well-being, and we are committed to finding you the best Psychologist for your needs.

Adelaide Psychologists & Therapists

Get in touch with us...

We offer a comprehensive range of services to treat and nurture the body and mind and get you back on the path to health and well-being.

If you’re ready to reach out to the Kensington Psychology & Well-Being team, you can get in touch by calling us on 08 7006 5225 or via our Online Contact Form.

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