Self-acceptance Therapy & Counselling
Self-acceptance is the simple act of embracing one’s own self unconditionally; strengths, weaknesses, flaws and all. This means having a kind and friendly, non-judgemental attitude to oneself with honesty and self-awareness.
It is based on the same principles of Mindfulness, such as present-centred non-judgemental awareness of what is rather than what your mind tells you it should be. The reason why it is so important is that self-acceptance underpins resilient mental health – without it, it is very difficult to overcome almost any mental challenge.

The difference between self-esteem and self-acceptance
Self-esteem describes how one esteem oneself by comparison to others. As such, it is a feeling that goes up and down depending on who one is with. It can also mean that one may not only esteem oneself as less intelligent or beautiful than another, but also as better than others.
Self-acceptance is a steady and stable sense of knowing who you are – shortcomings and strengths, and having a sense of peace with that regardless of who you are with, or whatever happens. It doesn’t mean that one does not acknowledge one’s flaws; quite the contrary! Rather, it is a sense of being okay with the fact that we are all human, and can work with love and our own encouragement to live according to our values.

Self-acceptance Psychology
Psychology has gradually moved from an emphasis on self-esteem to self-acceptance and developing self-compassion. This is based on the work of luminaries like Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer, Jack Kornfield, and Tara Brach, who have shown what a transformation learning greater self-acceptance can have on a person’s life. Instead of constantly fretting and wondering if one is good enough, well-enough liked or respected, energy is freed to excel in our talents, find joy in the world and love ourselves and others naturally and easily.
Can you imagine the freedom!
Practice self-acceptance today!
Loving another isn’t so hard, so why should loving ourselves be? Try to be kinder and more patient with yourself. Practice self-acceptance today and see how it can positively change your life! If you need a professional helping hand, we are always here to help you along this journey.
Positive Affirmations
These are daily mantras of uplifting words that you should repeat to yourself. Based on the principles of neuroplasticity, repeated mental activity leads to lasting changes in the brain, and you can harness this power for the good by daily repeating kind or uplifting words that lift your spirits.
Act confident
Take a moment to centre yourself and find the courage inside when a difficult task or decision is ahead of you. Remember when you managed something difficult before. Draw on that inner strength, then step forward bravely. Chances are you can do it!
Accept flaws
Acknowledging drawbacks means considering your limitations with kindness and honesty, whilst finding ways to improve that will enhance your well-being. The key here is doing this with kindness and self-compassion.
Practicing thankfulness will make you more content with life in general. Take time every night to remember the good things in your life, and how many times you managed things well that day.
Self-acceptance therapy & counselling | Adelaide Psychology Clinic
At Kensington Psychology & Well-Being, there is a Psychologist in Adelaide for you who can provide counselling services to empower you on the road to good mental health. We have an expert team of Psychologists who are licensed and trained in teaching self-acceptance and overcoming low confidence and low self-esteem.

Adelaide Psychologists | Self-acceptance counselling & therapy
Getting in touch with us ...
We offer a comprehensive range of services to treat and nurture the body and mind and get you back on the path to health and well-being.
If you’re ready to reach out to the Kensington Psychology & Well-Being team regarding our services, please get in touch by calling us on 08 7006 5225 or via our Online Contact Form.